Expert Goal Setting

Goal Setting Is The Key To Achieving Success And To Achieving Your Dreams

We all have dreams in life, and they help us stay motivated. Dreams are our first step toward success, so keeping them alive is very important. However, you may only sometimes be able to achieve 100% of your dream despite putting in all your efforts. As time passes, you will encounter different obstacles in achieving your dream, both internally and externally. 


People around you may say that your dream is no good and that you should focus on something else. However, this is normal and not serious to worry about, but it can distract you from achieving your goals. Therefore, you must stay focused and continue your journey slowly towards achieving your dreams rather than listening to those negative people and inner thoughts.


Below are a few rules you must follow to achieve your goals.


How to Keep the Dream Alive?

Set and Practice Daily

Set and Practice Daily Goals

Since you cannot achieve your dreams overnight, it takes time and effort with serious planning to get somewhere. Therefore, to help you with it, you must write them down daily. It can help you remind yourself about them, which will keep you focused subconsciously in thinking about ways to achieve them. 


Successful people mostly write down their desired long and short-term goals and desire daily. According to them, this everyday writing practice is to keep reminding yourself over and over about your dreams by repetition and affirmation. However, serious commitment is still required without any excuses.


Stay Around Like-Minded People

Another effective way to achieve your dreams is to stay close and talk with other like-minded people. Like yourself, these people have the same issues and obstacles in their way; therefore, having them around will keep you motivated instead of leading you down. 


You can talk to them about their dreams, what steps they are taking towards achieving them, what problems they are facing, and most importantly, how they get rid of them. All these discussions will help you stay motivated and learn new things to improve.


Keep Check and Balance

Another important factor that can help you is to review your progress daily by the end of every day. It will help you keep track of your progress, what lapses you are facing, and what you could do to overcome them. Therefore, you should do it daily instead of reviewing the progress by the end of a week or month. 


It will help you know where you stand and whether you are headed toward the right path. So, forgetting to measure every day may lead to forgetting your dream goals.


Minimize the Effort

Sometimes we all can get too busy to focus on a particular task. You may face a similar situation now and then when chasing your dream and goals. So, we normally let go of our daily progress and leave it for another day despite having a regular chase with good checks and balances. Therefore, you should minimize your efforts instead of skipping them. 


Suppose your goal is to lose weight by working out at the gym for an hour daily since you have an urgent piece of work that may give you less than an hour of gym time. Instead of skipping a gym day, you can spend 10-15 minutes, as this will keep the momentum and motivation in flow.


Read and Learn

Life skills readingReading and learning are natural ways to grow your skills by learning new things daily. It doesn’t matter whether you have a dream or not, and you must read and learn new things every day when you read different articles or blogs about how other successful people succeeded in their life and their journey toward success.


It will give you positive vibes with the motivation that if they can do it, so can I. Therefore, you will start reading their life’s progress stories to learn from them to improve your dream progress.


Don’t Compare Yourself with Others

Stop comparing yourself with others, as it will negatively impact you. If you still wish to reach, make a comparison with yourself, as this will make a good track of your progress. When you would think that yesterday I was better than today and what steps I took to make that winning progress, it will positively help you rather than looking toward others and getting feelings of despair.


Avoid or Cut Down on Distractions

There are many things to do nowadays, like playing games, watching TV, hanging out with friends, and spending time on Social media. All these activities are necessary, but their excess can cause serious distractions and make you forget about your dreams. So, giving them time can make you suffer seriously. Therefore, you must avoid as many distractions as possible to stay focused on achieving your dreams. 


Protecting Dreams with Determination

If you believe in your dreams and have a solid plan to achieve them, never let anyone talk you out. Sometimes people close to you, like your own family members or friends, will talk you out of it. This normally happens just because they don’t like the idea at all.


Don’t listen or process their negative view; keep marching forward with determination and keep putting in your efforts without losing hope. You will start to see results sooner or later if you stay focused and ignore the negativity thrown at you in your journey.


Have Faith and Confidence in Yourself

Have Faith and Confidence in YourselfAs you will progress ahead, you will face certain difficulties, even some of them will be severe. They can make you lose hope; therefore, you must have faith in yourself and your dream once you have thought them through. You may even face severe setbacks, but that shouldn’t stop you. 


Instead, it would be best to bounce back with more effort and preparation by learning from them. That is how successful people succeed, and you can take Elon Musk’s example. SpaceX would have never been there if he had given up after his rocket failure, which was a major setback for him. So, don’t lose hope and continue your journey no matter what happens with the same faith and determination you had at the beginning.



Chasing dreams is a hard and steep path, and not everyone may succeed at it. It requires a lot of determination and faith in yourself and your dreams. For most people dreaming is easier than chasing or achieving it as it requires no effort. Therefore, consistency with slow and steady progress from day first plays a vital role, without which you may lose interest in everything. 


We recommend following all the above steps to keep your hopes alive if you wish your dreams to come true. You may even continue searching for new ways by reading books or browsing online over the internet for more.