Expert Goal Setting

Goal Setting Is The Key To Achieving Success And To Achieving Your Dreams

“Luck is when preparation meets opportunity.” This quote by Roman philosopher Seneca advocates the significance of goal setting. Success does not come for free; it requires passion, a solid plan of action, and proper execution. 


A plan of action distinguishes goals from nebulous dreams. Whatever great ideas you may have, if you don’t take action, they will go in vain. Goals are a fragment of our soul. They are like seedlings that require care, a suitable environment, and consistent effort to grow and nurture. 


If you have the same New Year resolutions you had the year before or your business revenue is at the same $$, there must be something wrong with your goal setting. Don’t worry. We have come up with a solution.  


Let’s dive into a comprehensive guide that elaborates 5 steps to success in goal-setting. 

5 Key Steps to Set Goals

1. Set Goals That Ignite a Spark in Your Life 

Set Goals That Ignite a Spark in Your Life A man without goals is like a bird without wings. We must have goals because this keeps us waking up in the morning. However, make sure to set goals that fuel your passion.  Your goals should be clear and bold. 


We often see people who set goals they don’t have any love or passion for. This makes them give up in the initial phases of their struggle. 


Passion and drive overrule those “failure signs” in your subconscious mind. For example, if you want to start a business or you are looking to create a certain lifestyle for yourself, it is imperative that you have a passion for those goals and you are not doing it as a “copy-paste success strategy.” 


Sit alone and think about what success means to you and what goals you want to achieve to get the desired results. 


Patience and hope keep one going. Remember, you can’t become a billionaire overnight (as some gurus may tell you). This is where passion rescues you from the dark quagmire of hopelessness and despair.  

2. Keep the Goals SMART 

The voyage towards success demands clarity and vision in goals. There’s an old cliché “work smarter, not harder.” It’s not about how much time you give to your work but what you put in those hours. 


Whether you manage employee performance or a project or want to work on personal development, the SMART guide is a magic tool. Take a look at the 5 characteristics of SMART goals. 

  • Specific 

Your goals must be narrow and unambiguous for effective planning and proper execution. Specific goals make it easy to develop a framework for goal setting.   

  • Measurable

You must set a benchmark or precise figure to evaluate your progress. For instance, you can select your goal to convert 200 leads into customers each month.  

  • Achievable 

Set tangible and reasonable goals to achieve; otherwise, you will question your worth and credibility. Analyze if you have the skill set or resources to start the process.   

  • Relevant 

The goal you have should align with your interests and needs.  

  • Time-limited

Adding a deadline to every goal helps you complete the task on time and keeps you on track. 

3. Make an Action Plan to Achieve Goals 

The first step in formulating an action plan is to define your end goal. Make a strategy and set time-bound milestones. You can create checklists, scaffolds, or to-do lists to tracking your progress and speed. Create rapid feedback loops to monitor and evaluate your whole journey.


You should set up a routine like setting up, preparing, practicing, maintaining, etc. Make a mental picture of yourself standing on the acme of success. Be objective and rational when you make an action plan. 


Do undergo competitive research before devising an action plan. If you are unwilling to put in the time and effort, you will be overshadowed by those who do.

4. Compare Your Goals and Reward Yourself 

Experimentation is crucial in goal setting process. It helps you determine which things are good for your business and what new approaches you can adopt to get better results. 


As Josh Kaufman writes in his book, the first 20 hours of how to learn anything fast, “honor your biology,” which means that your body and brain are biological systems that have needs such as food, water, exercise, rest, and sleep. Don’t push yourself too hard. Take restful breaks to recharge your energy and get back to work with optimum potential.


Reward yourself after accomplishing each milestone. Turn off your concentration and go for a long walk, exercise, or have dinner at your favorite restaurant. Taking breaks will help boost your productivity and avoid burnout.

5. Stay Consistent 

How Can You Remain Consistent to Achieve GoalsDeliberate practice is the core of goal acquisition. Without consistent effort, the distance between you and your goals squares. Dwayne Johnson’s quote on consistency got my attention, “Success isn’t always about excellence. Hard work with consistency leads to success; greatness will come”. 


Consistency means putting focused attention toward your goal. It nurtures your confidence and gives a sense of satisfaction. For example, you want to lose weight. 


Is it possible to do so without constant effort? The answer is undoubted “NO.” 

Many people find it difficult to remain consistent. It is difficult for them to follow a routine. 

How Can You Remain Consistent?

The key to remaining consistent is to get organized and be systematic. A well-planned goal setting leaves little margin for procrastination. Whenever you feel low, remind yourself of why you started.   


The road to success is a bumpy ride. Setting achievable goals to reach your destination is compulsory, and for that, you require a thought-out framework. This article presents 5 steps you should consider when setting a goal. Goals are ignited by passion and love. Never leave any opportunity to achieve your goal. Take all the risks and live the life you dream of