Expert Goal Setting

Many of us find it difficult to achieve our long or short-term goals because we need more consistency. Some people spend more time analyzing the problems instead of utilizing the same time and energy on solutions. We would like to know what time is best to take the necessary step or action. That is where the issues arise, and there is only one word to overcome them: “NOW.” 


Whatever you plan to achieve your goals or overcome the obstacles, you must do it “NOW.” It means doing it now without any delay, regardless of the circumstances. 


Make NOW your answer to every question; otherwise, it can cause delays in achieving success.


How to Achieve Your Goals by Using One Word


What Is The Right Time For Planning? NOW


What Is The Right Time For Planning NOWA plan of action is as important as the goal itself and most importantly, when to take those actions is vital. These decision-making times play a major role in building and achieving your goals. 


A goal without the right plan is like traveling to a new place without carrying a map. Therefore, make a deep analysis when setting a dream goal, but you must take all actions at the right time. Otherwise, an action without a plan or action will result in total failure. Therefore, start making your plans NOW.

What Is The Right Time To Start Focusing? NOW


Most times, we fail when we lose our focus on achieving goals. It is very common, and we all easily fall victim to it, but it shouldn’t make us feel less motivated or hopeless. This normally happens when many things or activities can easily distract us. It’s very easy for us to be distracted with so much going around us, whether it is direct or indirectly related to us. 


Setting up too many goals simultaneously can be the cause. Therefore, you must keep an eye out for when and where to start focusing by knowing your main goal that needs action NOW. Remember, the consequences you face due to losing focus should be your lesson in making improvements instead of thinking to end it all.


What Time Is Right To Start? NOW


“Many times, the idea we come up with is not to fit for the current times but if launched at the right time can do wonders.” ― Pooja AgnihotriWe usually lose focus when we wonder, “What is the right time to start.” They keep thinking, “I am still getting ready, or should I wait to start? Therefore, you should begin NOW rather than being confused, as this may delay achieving your goals. The time to begin is NOW. The first step towards accomplishing anything is deciding that you will not stay where you are. Then, keep moving ahead consistently, even if you tread slowly. 


This will assure you that you started at the right time, regardless of the results. Even if you fail, which we sometimes do, you won’t feel guilt and disbelief in yourself due to not deciding to start at the right time, which is NOW.


Is It Important NOW?


When choosing and planning your goals, there will surely be a lot of brainstorming. It will bring a lot of ideas to your mind and implement them at the same time. Therefore, you should keep an eye out for what is more important and what is not. If anything is important, you should be more focused on it. 


Take it more seriously and do it NOW instead of delaying it. Make it a priority above all other things without wasting time and losing consistency.


What Is The Deadline? NOW


A goal without a deadline is like competing in a race without an endpoint. Therefore, you must place a deadline for every milestone of achieving your goals NOW. Rather than allowing endless open time to small milestones, you should complete them on time. Keep consistency without letting distractions come in between, as this can ruin your short-term goals. 


Your vision can only come true if you meet your goal deadlines, which requires moving ahead on the right schedule.


What Is The Right Time To Believe In Your Goals? NOW


What Is The Right Time To Believe In Your Goals? NOWA strong belief in yourself and your goals is crucial to successfully achieving them. Losing interest, distractions, inconsistencies, and no hardworking with wrong calculations can lead to disbelief in your goals. Belief is very important, and it is all that we fight with to achieve our goals. Therefore, start believing in yourself right NOW before it is too late. 


Yes, you will come across people, even your close loved ones, critics, and most importantly, haters, who would want you to fail. But if you strongly believe in yourself, you can reject their negative thoughts and inputs. This will help you stay focused towards the end without losing hope. So, listen to your inner self instead of those around you to keep motivated, which you need to do right NOW.

What Is The Right Time To Enjoy Success? NOW


Sometimes we build too many high hopes in ourselves that it becomes nearly impossible for us to enjoy the success of our short or long-term goals achieved. Rather than being ungrateful, we should cherish every moment of triumph, whether small or big. 


It would be best to cherish this moment NOW rather than waiting for the right time or person to share it with. Remember, there is no right time to wait for self-enjoyments besides the time you have at hand, which is right NOW.




It is crucial to have short or long-term goals as they help bring success in your life. Your actions and their timing determine how sincere you are towards achieving them. It would be best to take every action at the right time; otherwise, it can lead to total failure. 


Sometimes even a minor delay brings a huge setback, leading to despair and even loss of interest. Therefore, be consistent even if you progress steadily and take every action at the right time, which is right NOW. You will later see the fruits of your effort, which sometimes may even feel impossible.